Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week Three: Finding Your Peaceful Place. . .

Have I mentioned how much I love our small class? I'm sure I have, but it's worth mentioning again. I can tell the we have a variety of technology skill in the class. With a class this size, it is the perfect opportunity for those of you who feel confident to help your peers. Not only does it help the community, everyone feels better when they are contributing, and helping others deepens your understanding of a topic. I am reminded of one of my favorite Einstein quotes:
"If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself."
This is a great rule of thumb for future teachers! My favorite teachers were always the ones who could explain any concept or topic simply and thoroughly without making anyone feel unintelligent! Anyway, we are off and running for week three. Wednesday night, tomorrow, we will be working on the classroom newsletter assignment. If time permits, we will even begin to look at how we could use social media to connect with other educators.

If you didn't notice, the School 2.0, etools, website is unfortunately down. . .perhaps it will be renewed, but maybe not. Such is life when you are dealing with the Internet. I posted an alternative way to meet the expectations of the assignment in Edmodo.  One thing I noticed in the first assignment was that some of you were not using the actual assignment area to submit your assignment. Some posted on the weekly subgroup and some on our home stream. Remind me to go over this in class.

Lastly, don't forget to get your TaskStream and ISTE subscriptions taken care of before class on the 6th. As usual, I will do my best to be in the lab an hour before class if anyone needs extra assistance.

This Week's Question: What is your all-time favorite or current favorite teacher movie?


  1. Hmm this was a hard question to answer.. What is a teacher movie? Then I remembered a movie I saw in high school with my best friend and my mom, Freedom Writers! "A young teacher inspires her class of at-risk students to learn tolerance, apply themselves, and pursue education beyond high school." (from IMDB) She makes them write in journals. I remember that at the end of the movie it said that there was a book of some of the students' writings. So after the movie my mom took us to each buy the book and Im sure I still have it somewhere. Has anyone else seen this? I would recommend and now I want to watch it again soon!

  2. I also think my favorite teacher movie is Freedom Writers. I love the way this teacher views her students as people rather than as at- risk youth with dreary futures. She is determined to prove that they can be successful and break the mold that society often casts on people from troubled homes. It is amazing the way one teacher or individual can empower a group of people and truly touch their souls in a way that will cause a ripple effect of positivity. I found this story to be incredibly inspiring as a future teacher, and it reminds me that no matter the background, we're all people with the same wants, dreams, feelings, and capabilities and should advocate respect in every case.

  3. My favorite teacher movie is Front of the Class. I only watched one time, but I feel in love with the story. It's a movie and real life story about a guy named Brad. Brad suffers from tourette syndrome and wants to be a teacher. Throughout the movie we see how much Brad struggles with controlling his TS and following his dream of being a teacher. In the end Brad overcomes all of the obstacles and becomes a elementary school teacher and even wins teacher of the year.

  4. I like Mr. Hollands Opus because I was big into music in high school. But I also like Morgan Freeman in Lean on Me. What about that movie where Tom Beringer shoots some students in the end, I don't like that one, but Tom Beringer was awesome in Sniper.

  5. Mr. Holland's Opus is an incredible film and has to be one of my all-time favorite movies. I also enjoyed Stand and Deliver inspiring inner-city kids to enjoy math something that I do not enjoy. His methods ALMOST made me want to take up calculus but not enough to actually pursue calculus but my dislike is deep-rooted.

  6. My all-time favorite teaching movie would have to be Freedom Writers! That movie inspired me to become a teacher and make a difference in under privileged students lives. Also I love Paul Rudd in The Perks of Being a Wallflower! His character was very inspirational and seemed to really care about his students.

  7. My favorite teaching movie is Freedom Writers. It is a great inspirational movie that made me see and realize what an impact a teacher can make for students.

  8. I'm not much of a movie person, but I would have to go with Good Will Hunting. That is the only movie that comes to mind. I liked the story line behind it, and the fact that Matt Damon and Robin Williams' characters taught each other not just about writing but about life as well.

  9. I have not seen too many teaching movies but I would have to say Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz. Just kidding, just kidding. That is a great movie to demonstrate how not to act as a professional teacher. But as far as a teacher movie, I have not seen too many but like many others, I would have to say the Freedom Writers! That movie is very inspirational and I love how the teacher genuinely cares for her students and their well being. I hate when "problem" students are outcasted in schools. I think that is just the opposite of how teachers should treat students. But this movie had a great moral with the teacher's students succeeding in their high school education and learning to express themselves through writing.

  10. I love Freedom Writers! It is my favorite teaching movie of all time! Every teacher hopes that they will touch a students life in the way that the teacher in Freedom writers did. This movie makes me cry every time I watch it! Tears of joy, ofcourse.

  11. Stand and Deliver is my favorite teacher movie hands down! That is such an inspirational movie. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. The reason it is my favorite movie, is because many people think that teachers don't make an impact, some people think that being a teacher is an easy job. That movie made me realize how many teachers and educators out there risk and sacrifice so much of their time and lives to help students succeed. Teachers do care about their students and they want nothing but the best for them.

  12. To be honest my favorite movie about teachers is "Bad Teacher" I think it's a really funny movie. I know is does not portray a good image about teachers but it is really funny. I also like "Freedom Writers" and "Stand and Deliver" because I can relate to those movies and understand what the message.
