Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week Five: You Can Never Step into the Same TaskStream Twice

'Stream' photo (c) 2006, Audrey - license:, so the inspiration for the title of the post comes from an ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus who was a proponent of the ever-changing nature of the universe. . .His actual quote:
"No man ever steps in the same river twice"
This, of course, is reference to TaskStream and the nature of your TPE 14 narratives. I will spend a lot of time this evening discussing TaskStream and how to use Google Drive to write your narratives. While you may not love the narrative writing necessary for TaskStream, you will love the features and possibilities of Google Drive. The power of Google Drive might even be referred to as "life-altering," but that will be determined by you. .

I am trying to finish the grading for the School 2.0 assignment. I only have about three  students who need to either revise or submit. And don't forget about your Journal 1-5 assignment. We are actually on week 3 of 4 so you should try to keep up.

I will ensure everyone has submitted the classroom newsletter and answer any question from the Diigo/social bookmarking assignment. We will also revisit the use of Twitter as an educational tool. (Would someone remind me of educational chats. . .) And let's not forget to talk about Google+

This Week's Question: Who was one of your favorite teachers at any level and why??


  1. Only one teacher truly stands out in my mind as my favorite is my 1st grade teacher. I remember her huge fluffy, afro-like hair and how she made learning fun. She was always loving and passionate about what she did. Sometimes I can't believe I remember her after all these years, but for me to remember, I know she made an impact on me. I can't remember her name, but I think it started with an "R". :)

  2. My 3rd grade teacher was the best teacher I could've asked for. Not only was she considerate, patient, and kind, she made learning fun and exciting! In addition to teaching us the scholastic subjects, she taught us life skills such as responsibility and money management. She had a "classroom store", class jobs, a garden, and class pets which we were assigned to care for. We participated in school plays as well which was a fun experience.

  3. Wow. There have been so many teachers up until this point in my education that have impacted me but thus far none the way Mindy Martin and Gailand Simmons did. They were my 6th grade teachers and I TA'ed for both of them my 7th and 8th grade years. The thing that impressed me about these teachers is that they made themselves available for anything. I did well in school during my middle school years but I did not do well in the social setting. They recognized this and opened up their classrooms during their lunch hour for a study hall for those who wanted it. As I look back I know that this action was for me to feel comfortable and to have a place to go when the lunch tables were too daunting. They also made learning fun. I had a cold during the section on volcanoes and she made it accessible by comparing me blowing my nose and the types of volcanoes. Rather funny and it kept me engaged, even though I felt like crap. They were one of the ones to inspire me to teach.

  4. KRS-ONE because in school they never taught about hamburger or steak, Elijah Mohammed or the welfare state, but I know because of KRS-ONE

  5. I've had so many great teachers that it's really hard to chose just one. It's a tie between my 1st, 3rd, 4th and 12th grade teacher. So i choose all 4 teachers because they were just incredible. My 1st grade teacher, Ms. Menchaca was super loving and patient, my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Potts treated all her students as individuals and made every subject fun. My 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Winters made me feel super smart because I spoke Spanish and finally my high school teacher Mr. Rios made me feel like I could do anything I set my mind to and guided me into where I am now.

  6. One of my favorite teachers is my first grade teacher, Mrs. Davis. As a shy student, she made me feel comfortable in a social classroom setting and always stressed that there are no mistakes in art or learning. Mostly though, her loving heart and genuine compassion spoke to me and inspired me to teach. She is an example to me as a future educator and as a human being.

  7. One of my favorite teachers was my professor for Abnormal Psychology in my second semester of junior college. He was very knowledgeable about the different disorders. I liked him because he always said if he had to develop any of the disorders we talked about, it would be schizophrenia. I thought he had a good attitude about the topic and make learning about it really fun and engaging.

  8. One of my favorite teachers was my 2nd grade teacher. She was the first teacher who transported me from an ESL learner to a independent reader. She inspired me to want to be a teacher.

  9. My favorite teacher was my 5th grade, her name was Ms. De Anda. She was really nice and the teacher from where I felt the most support. She always let her students know that she believed on us. She was really encouraging and motivated me to do my best in school. Luckily I had the opportunity to have her again as a teacher in 8th grade.

  10. My first and second grade teacher was the same person, her name was Ms. Delorme and she was my favorite! We were really close, she would always call me her daughter. She has a very warm place in my heart because when my older brother passed away she came to visit my parents and us her condolences. She was very sweet and she always reassured me that she will always be there for me. She was just a very sweet and warmhearted person.

  11. My favorite teacher was my 10th grade Chemistry teacher and 11th grade Anatomy teacher, Mr. Robinson. He made science fun for every student in his class. I didn't like science before I took his class, but after I learned to love it. He was a great teacher because he was down-to-earth and interesting.

  12. I would have to say that Mrs. Atkins, my high school english teacher was probably one of my favorites. She always spend extra time reading my stories and giving me valuable feedback, and I really enjoyed the lesson plans and assignments. It's probably one of the reasons that I was originally an english major. I've had alot of great english teachers now that I think about it.

  13. My favorite teacher was Mr. Katz, he is still one of the best teacher in my high school. He helped me get into college and made a big impact in my life. If it was not for him I would not be here, he helped me fill out my college applications and kept me motivated.
