"No man ever steps in the same river twice"This, of course, is reference to TaskStream and the nature of your TPE 14 narratives. I will spend a lot of time this evening discussing TaskStream and how to use Google Drive to write your narratives. While you may not love the narrative writing necessary for TaskStream, you will love the features and possibilities of Google Drive. The power of Google Drive might even be referred to as "life-altering," but that will be determined by you. .
I am trying to finish the grading for the School 2.0 assignment. I only have about three students who need to either revise or submit. And don't forget about your Journal 1-5 assignment. We are actually on week 3 of 4 so you should try to keep up.
I will ensure everyone has submitted the classroom newsletter and answer any question from the Diigo/social bookmarking assignment. We will also revisit the use of Twitter as an educational tool. (Would someone remind me of educational chats. . .) And let's not forget to talk about Google+
This Week's Question: Who was one of your favorite teachers at any level and why??