Well, here we are. The end of another semester of school. However, this semester is special, it's the beginning of the new tech you. That's right, you are all graduating to nerd status from this point forward! Cash in your cool points because I'll be handing out pocket protectors once you finish your NETS narratives. . .
Tonight, don't forget to bring the hard copy of your Emerging Technology Checklist. You will be completing it and submitting it to me for a your grade. I want to walk everyone through Task Stream and how to get the links to your Symbaloo TPE 14 webmix, your class blog, and your Google Docs narratives for NETS I-V. If you have submitted your NETS narratives, I will take a look at them in class and give you feedback. Everyone else can work on missing assignments or revising old assignments.
I have gone through the gradebook for the fourth time and there are still quite a few people who are either missing assignments or have yet to make revisions. Remember, that my expectation is that you complete every assignment. Use this time today to ask for questions or clarify the expectations while I still have you face-to-face. The due date was set for May 6 (to try and motivate everyone to complete before class tonight). I will be giving feedback this weekend and early next week. You will need to have your revisions completed by Wed, May 15. In order for you to revise, I will definitely need your first draft by Friday at the latest. If there are no revisions by May 15, I will be forced to either give you an incomplete or a less than passing grade. . .please don't make me do this. You need to treat the narratives like your final exam. Look at the examples provided, use your color-coding, and give me your best effort.
This Week's Question: What has been your favorite assignment in this class and why?